As the libraries are constantly burdened with handling an increasing load of intellectual capital assets in terms of thousands of volumes of books, journals, historical archives, journals, thesis etc while managing a huge user base, there is a growing need for having an efficient technology solution that can productively manage the library resources as well as cater to the interests of library users and librarians in a secured timely manner. With the proliferation of advanced technology solutions transforming the modern-day information management, most organizations are seeking digital library solutions where information is stored and made available in a digital format allowing on-demand access to updated information, data preservation, real-time information sharing, library member access management and fully automated secured library management.

SBL’s RFID-based library management system is a RFID technology enabled modules and handheld readers based comprehensive automation solution for libraries for books issuing, reissuing, returning, monitoring, and searching system for the library members and librarians, directly feeding the book and library member information to the library management system. The physical location and movement of library books can be tracked across the gates for any discrepancies and secured via alarm through the system.

The RFID library system streamlines diverse tasks such as re-shelving, circulation etc, and can replace the existing library barcode system. The solution offers cost-effective technology over the barcode system by eliminating the human labour cost necessary for tasks such as check-in, check-out, inventory holds, etc. Using on-chip data storage and reprogrammable memory our solution records the location of books and also allows for auto-detection of unauthorized items going outside the library and eliminates theft possibilities. Besides, the system can be easily integrated with automated material handling units and further supports locating specific items using RFID-based handheld readers.

Our Industries


  • Gate detection system that can detect unauthorized tagged items passing through it.
  • Inbuilt audio-visual alert for theft detection and having a minimum 36 inches read range.
  • Staff Circulation Station, a plug n play multi-protocol antenna-reader with a read range up to 25 cm
  • Self-Check in/ Check out Kiosk, a stand-alone multi-protocol kiosk for self-issue and return of books along with an inbuilt screen and printer.
  • Book Return Station, a touchscreen-based multi-protocol book drop for returning of library books and supporting better circulation.
  • HF Handheld Reader for performing activities such as shelf-reading, shelf order checking, searching, etc.
  • RFID Tags for tagging library materials and for uniquely identifying particular tagged items.
  • Standard 1K Mifare technology-based contactless smart cards for various applications such as employee cards, identity cards, and access control cards.


  • Public and private libraries
  • Government
  • Academic institutions
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Commercial organizations
SBL key highlights


  • Streamlined stock management operations including managing materials on shelves and identifying missing or mis-shelved items.
  • Reduced time on circulation operations
  • Flexibility and modularity
  • Efficient inventory management
  • Single point of contact to execute tasks right from data entry of books to implementing full-fledged Library automation project
  • Enhanced security where Library item identification & security bit is combined into a single tag
  • Automated check-ins reduce the time staff must spend for material handling
  • Self-Check in – Check out allows patrons to reduce the waiting in check-out lines
  • Due dates reminders allow patrons to submit borrowed books on time

Client Success

Discover inspiring tales of client success and witness the transformative
power of our solutions in action.

SBL Client Success Stories

We recently utilized SBL services for assignments in the Canadian provinces of Alberta and Newfoundland Labrador, as well as one for the City of Calgary, Alberta. The project was completed on time, within budget and to a high standard.

Andy Welch Forest and Environment Organisation, Canada

SBL has demonstrated the highest level of dedication and put their most experienced staff to work on this assignment. We are satisfied with how they handled the spatial data requirements. They have always delivered the data in a timely manner, with high accuracy, and to the required quality. We would be happy to work with them in the future as well.

Leopold J Romeijin CEO, Satellite Imaging Corporation, UK

Explore Our Case


Discover the tales of triumph that showcase the unwavering tenacity, unwavering drive, and boundless creativity needed to thrive amidst the cutthroat landscape of modern business.


Our RFID based library management system is a smart system to streamline library management and offers systematic after-sales support with customer objectives as the top priority.